#bodhi durran
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How You Get The Girl
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Pairings: Bodhi x reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Bodhi had never been bad at anything -- being a rider, leading a squad, or with the ladies, either. However, you are his biggest challenge yet, as you manage to explain away every single one of his romantic advances.
SR’s Note: This is part two to Blank Space! How are we feeling? Do we want more? I sure do -- stay tuned! <3
Tags: @mellowmusings @rcarbo1 @lilah-asteria @kitsunetori @velarisdusk @nctsawrus @freakishfandomfiend @paintedbyshadows @poeticbookwormcat @lreadsstuff (inbox me or comment if you'd like to be added!)
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You'd woken up bright and early that Monday morning, determined to get to the library before class was set to begin. The entire rest of the weekend, you'd been sleeping off Friday night's events and aiming to avoid any public place that you might run into Bodhi -- or, Aaric, for that matter.
Aaric is cute, but Bodhi was interested first; whatever you do, just remember what I said about getting too attached.
Jesinia's warning rang loud and clear through your mind. You kept replaying it, over and over as you had the events of Friday night. When asked her opinion over the weekend, it seemed all she was able to provide you was... well, more worry over the situation.
Even after a week of no-contact, you still found yourself thinking about it during school hours.
"Y/N, I'll expect these transcribed over the next three days," Markham said sternly. You nodded in understanding.
"On my desk Thursday, please. Oh -- will you be joining me for Battle Brief tomorrow morning?" His question came with a raised eyebrow. You knew what that meant; the option was there, but there was only one right answer.
"Absolutely," you said without hesitation. "I'll be in the grand hall at nine."
He nodded in approval, moving on to the next row of tables to check in with your fellow yearmates. Jesinia had left early today, opting to run an errand for him in lieu of not attending Battle Brief in the morning. She'd told you once that she didn't enjoy signing in front of crowds much, which you could understand; but you figured she'd want to go so she would be able to see her boyfriend, nonetheless.
As the mid-afternoon bell rang, you collected your things. You felt as though you hadn't gotten much of anything done today, your head clogged with the million potential outcomes from what happened Friday night.
The warm sun was a welcome relief to the cool temperatures inside of the library, and you basked in it as you walked toward the outdoor cafe on campus. These texts weren't going to translate themselves, and if you were going to have them done by Thursday, you needed to get started.
By the time you were on the third page, however, you'd attracted a visitor.
"H-hey, Y/N."
Your eyes immediately left the page, favoring their gaze on the green ones staring back at you. The scrape of metal on stone was loud as Aaric pulled out a metal chair from beneath the table, opting to join you.
"Oh, hi! Aaric," you said, the nervous energy making an appearance once more. He grinned at you, scooting close enough that you were practically sharing breath.
"So... what are you working on?" He asked, and you sighed as you motioned to the array of papers around you.
"Well, Markham has given me the near-impossible task of translating all of this by Thursday," you laughed nervously. "So, I figured I may as well get started on it now."
His brow furrowed.
"All this work, due by Thursday," he sucked in a long breath, stretching his arms behind his head. "Seems a bit overkill, if you ask me."
You smiled awkwardly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Yeah... well... he is my professor, so."
He nodded slowly, gazing sidelong at you. He only broke the silence after a few long beats.
"Sucks, you know -- I was gonna see if you wanted to do something tonight," the left corner of his mouth tilted up. Your brows rose, and another nervous laugh bubbled out of your mouth.
"Oh! Ha ha, yeah, uh... I mean, I'd love to, but... I mean, I have all of this to get done," you explained, your cheeks reddening as you considered the situation. "Maybe Friday? I'll have all this done by then, surely."
Aaric smiled, full and bright -- it was no wonder he was related to the royal family. He looked like a prince straight out of a storybook.
"Friday, then." He said, scooting his chair back and rising from the table. You watched him walk away, the light from the sun bending around his slender build. Turning back to your papers, you found it arder and harder to focus, only seeming to think about Friday and it's impending fortune.
An hour later, you gave up, opting to head back to the dorms early in favor of a good night's rest. But, as you crossed the courtyard and headed for your room; you couldn't shake the feeling that someone had been watching you.
:* ✧・゚: *
Despite going to bed early, you found yourself sitting in Battle Brief dreary-eyed and exhausted. Markham and Duvera took turns going over the current events, and you had to surpress a yawn. Focusing was nearly impossible -- especially when the realization hit you that Aaric was sitting mere feet away from you.
Aaric.. and, Bodhi.
"That's all we'll be discussing today," he announced as the morning bell rung, and students began gathering their items. "I'll see you all Thursday morning, nine o'clock sharp."
His gaze fell on a blonde first year, who blushed with embarassment at being late this morning. He hadn't focused on her long, his gaze turning to you seconds later.
"How are the papers coming along?" He asked, though it came out more of a demand than a question.
"Good, Professor -- not much left to translate."
He nodded once. "Glad to hear that; I'll be expecting them Thursday."
You nodded in understanding as he stepped from the platform, making to ascend the stairs. Moments later, a familiar voice sounded from behind you.
"Too bad we didn't get to hear from you today; you always come up with such good discussion points."
You turned, your breath catching at the sight of the lean brunette standing mere inches from you. He bore a crooked grin, taking a step closer and up onto the platform with you.
"B-Bodhi," you stuttered, and his gaze intensified. "I... honestly, I didn't think you'd thought much of me, after that Friday night, anyway."
You weren't sure why you were so pressed over the fact that he hadn't spoken to you in weeks, and you wished to put out the angry flame coiling inside of you.
He rose an amused brow. "I didn't think you were keeping track."
A blush stained your cheeks, and he chuckled.
"I actually haven't caught up with you because I was stationed in Aretia for a few days," he explained, and your face fell. "So, not talking to you was certainly not by choice."
Your heart thudded in your chest. What an idiotic thing to say! Accusing him of ignorance when he was out saving Basgiath? You felt like a simple fool.
"Oh my gosh, Bodhi, I hadn't realized-"
"Don't be," he assured, leaning in closer to you. Suddenly, the lights in the room felt too hot, the layers of beige silk felt too heavy-
"Just let me take you out, show you that I mean it."
You stopped breathing.
Silence stretched between the two of you as the last few riders left the hall, and he leaned in close.
"One night, Y/N; just give me a chance." He grinned, and your entire face heated.
"Oh -- one night, ha ha, uh-"
Your blood ran cold.
"I can't Friday... I'm, uh... busy."
He raised a suspicious eyebrow, his gaze roving over every inch of your face.
"Not surprised -- a pretty girl like you must have a thousand men waiting to take up her weekends."
Psh, if he only knew.
"No, no! It's not that, I just-"
"What about tonight then?" He insisted, taking one of your hands in his. Your next breath caught in your throat at the contact, and you found it hard to look at him directly.
"I-I can't... I have, so much homework."
His smile didn't quite reach his eyes, his hand dropping yours in an instant.
"Right... right." He said defeatedly. He took only a step back before sighing, crossing his arms over his chest.
"At least allow me to walk you back to the library, then?"
:* ✧・゚: *
That night, you'd lit a candle and sworn off thinking about boys. Both Aaric and Bodhi had been occupying way too much of your mind lately, and with the amount of pages you still had to translate, there was no way you'd get it all done if you were distracted.
Jesinia had left you to your own devices that evening, understanding the workload you had and needing to run errands of her own. Besides, she agreed you'd be able to accomplish more if she were away from the dorm for a while.
You'd gotten through a few more pages when a soft rap on your window gusted the air from your lungs. You approached the glass quickly, timidly pulling the frame open to reveal who was standing outside.
You gasped when you saw him.
"Bodhi! I told you I couldn't go tonight, I have-"
"So much homework, right," he finished, leaning in through the frame and grunting as he pulled himself through it. He landed on his feet, straightening to look at you once more. "I'm here to help."
You scoffed, folding your arms over your chest.
"Yeah, right."
His eyes widened innocently.
"No, seriously -- with the workload Markham puts on you, I can tell it wouldn't kill you to have a little help." He looks around the room, opting to sit on the edge of your bed. "Where's your counterpart?"
You rolled your eyes, a faint smile spreading across your lips. "You mean Jesinia?"
He shrugged. "Same thing." Looking around the bed at the stacks of papers, he began rifling through them. "So, what can I do to help?"
:* ✧・゚: *
It'd been three hours since Bodhi snuck in, and two hours since you last had a sane thought in your head. Your mind kept wandering to the made up scenarios intrusively clouding your head, all centered around the handsome man before you.
"I think this is the final page of this chapter," he said, looking up from the paper to fixate on you. You gazed back softly, and his lips turned up at the sight.
"We can keep going if you want, or we can call it a night-"
Just then, the front door opened to the dormitory and in strode none other than your counterpart. Her eyes widened as she entered the room, taking in the scene before her.
Oh... hello, Bodhi.
He smiled tightly at her.
Hi Jes.
She schooled her expression as she set down her things, standing awkwardly near the foot of her own bed.
Are you guys studying or something?
You cleared your throat, signing quickly back to her.
No, Bodhi just came over to help me with some homework.
Her brows rose, and she nodded slowly.
I... see.
Bodhi hopped off the edge of the bed, grabbing his flight jacket and tugging it on before heading to the window.
I was actually just heading out, he signed, giving you an apologetic look. Always a pleasure, Jesinia.
She looked anywhere but him, not answering his last signage. You followed him to the window, chuckling as he shimmied through it.
"Did it occur to you to use our front door?"
He scoffed, finally clearing the small portal and signalling for his dragon.
"Do you know what would happen to me if I got caught in the girl's dorms?" He smiled, and his teeth gleamed impossibly white in the moonlight. You resisted the urge to lean out the window and touch him -- you really resisted.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he promised as his dragon approached in the distance. You grinned as he took your hand, pressing a tiny kiss to the back of it.
"Thank you Bodhi for your help."
You watched him go before climbing down, still in a daze from the events that just happened. But, what pulled you out of your stupor real quick was Jesinia's crossed arms and angry foot-tapping.
What? He just came by to help.
She huffed, flanking the edge of your bed as you sat atop it.
Do you realize what you've done? She signed angrily. In case you forgot, he is a rider -- you are not.
You narrowed your eyes, but she kept going.
Markham gave you this assignment to translate -- not Bodhi. Did you not consider for a second the rules of the Codex that prohibit rider's from accessing sensitive information-
Woah! Woah Jes, you waved your hands. The information isn't private, it's just a war recap. Besides, it's not like Bodhi is going to tell anyone anyways, you assure her. She levels a stare at you.
It's the point, Y/N. If you really needed help, why didn't you just ask me?
Her worried gaze sent a pang of guilt through your chest.
I don't need help -- I can handle it, you signed. I think he honestly just wanted to hang out with me tonight, and I let him without thinking of any repercussions.
The realization dawned on you that she was in fact, right. You weren't supposed to share unedited information with anyone outside your quadrant, and Markham would have had your head if he found out.
Jesinia raised a teasing eyebrow. All this, for Bodhi, huh.
You shook your head, rolling your eyes. He's just a friend.
Yeah, sure, she signed, throwing an accusatory look at you before crawling into her own bed. Aren't you going on a date Friday with Aaric?
Right. That.
You sighed. Yes, you signed, reaching to blow out the candle. Like I said; Bodhi and I are just friends.
She chuckled, signing a single word before the room was enveloped in darkness.
:* ✧・゚: *
He'd come over again Wednesday night... to help with homework.
And walked you to the library Thursday morning... just to be nice.
Come Thursday night, he was outside your window again...
"Bodhi, what are you-"
"You alone?"
You huffed, folding your arms in frustration.
"Yes -- but you can't just keep coming by here you know, Jesinia already thinks you're dangerous-"
Your eyes met his as he stood outside the window opening, grinning like he'd just won a prize.
"Now, are you gonna sit alone in your room all night, or come be dangerous with me?"
Your eyes widened as he extended a hand to you, and you bit the inside of your cheek in contemplation. Did you want to do yet another thing that could get you in trouble? No. But, did you want to continue spending time with him?
You took his hand, and he helped you up onto the windowsill. Your breath caught as you looked down, hundreds of feet separated you from the cold, hard ground.
Your hands grew clammy.
"C'mon -- Cuir won't bite."
Your breath hitched as he tugged you through the window, and you shakily climbed onto the massive dragon's back. Every thought, every sense in your body had gone out the window (literally) as the beast breathed steadily beneath you, it's wings flapping to keep upright. Bodhi sat you in front of him, one arm wrapping around your waist while the other held onto one of Cuir's spikes.
"Hold on," he suggested, and you immediately closed your hand around the same spike he held. The feeling of your hands held together, his strong arm holding you firmly against him...
Butterflies didn't begin to describe it.
You glanced back through your window one last time, catching Jesinia's surpsised expression as she came through the doorway before the dragon launched into the night sky.
:* ✧・゚: *
#Spotify#bodhi durran#bodhi fourth wing#bodhi x reader#fourth wing x reader#fourth wing#iron flame#iron flame imagine#read more#onyx storm#the empyrean
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"A Tale of Ink and Desire"
Garrick Tavis x Scribe reader Request: "Coul you write Garrick Tavis x Scribe!Reader oneshot, please? 😍🙏" wc: 5.7k letter count ☆ no specific spoilers. Uses pronouns: she/her. A/N: don't feel like its the best piece i've made but i still hope you will enjoy it.
Masterlist ☆ Dragon guide ☆ Star's story ☆ Empyrean guide ☆ Support me
Being a scribe at Aretia is different from Basgiath—yet somehow, it's the same.
The air here feels calmer, fresher. There isn't as much tension here as there was in the archives, yet the quiet hum of work remains familiar.
I go through my routine, the same one I’ve built since arriving a few weeks ago.
Mornings start with coffee from the mess hall, then straight to the Riorson House library. A list of book requests usually waits for me—sometimes for riders, sometimes for the assembly. I gather the needed texts and place them in the study before sorting the returns. Some days, we even receive deliveries of completely new books.
Weirdly, that makes me so happy.
Today is one of those days.
I’m carefully shelving returned books when the soft chime of the library’s entrance bell rings. I glance up to see Garrick and Bodhi stepping inside, a cart stacked high with boxes between them.
I offer a polite smile to both men, but my gaze lingers on Garrick—the man who has spent countless late nights with me, whether here among the shelves or outside on the quiet grass field, bringing me food and drinks when I was too lost in my work to remember to eat.
“Good morning,” I greet them as they stop in front of the desk.
“Morning,” they echo back, setting down the boxes.
The moment the first one is placed on the desk, I can’t help myself—I’m already pulling it open, eager to see what’s inside. Garrick chuckles softly at my enthusiasm. I shoot him a small, sheepish grin before turning back to my treasure trove.
Most are just extra copies of textbooks for the cadets. But then, two new ones catch my eye—ones I’ve been waiting weeks for.
The Tyrrish Rebellion: A Forbidden History by Colonel Gerault and Lieutenant Colonel Aisereigh.
And Tyrrendor’s Dragon Guide, written by the same Lieutenant Colonel Aisereigh.
I quickly unpack them, stacking them neatly. By the time I’m finished, the desk is surrounded by orderly piles and the remaining boxes are off to the side.
“Thank you,” I say, glancing between Bodhi and Garrick.
Bodhi offers me one of his usual soft smiles, but Garrick’s gaze stays fixed on mine. Something knowing flickers in Bodhi’s expression as he looks between us, and I feel heat creep up my neck.
“I’ll leave you two to it,” Bodhi remarks, grinning as he claps Garrick on the shoulder before walking off.
Garrick barely reacts, only rolling his shoulders as he watches me. Then, lazily, he laces his fingers behind his head and smirks.
“When are you finished?” he asks casually.
I smile but focus on opening another box. “Sundown.”
A moment later, I feel the warmth of his hand settle lightly against my back. I freeze for just a breath before turning to face him. He’s close—so close I can feel his body heat, his breath mingling with mine.
“I’ll pick you up,” he murmurs, his lips a whisper away from mine.
My breath catches. Judging by the smirk that tugs at his mouth, he notices.
The rest of the day crawls by unbearably slow.
It always does whenever Garrick tells me in advance that he’ll be waiting for me.
I’ve spent the last hour at my desk, all my tasks finished, absorbed in one of the newly arrived books. My robe’s hood is pulled up, an attempt to cocoon myself in solitude. It almost works—until the sound of someone clearing their throat pulls me from my trance.
I glance up—and regret it instantly.
Garrick leans against the desk, looking unfairly good. He always does, but something about seeing him in a short-sleeved black shirt nearly undoes me. The way the fabric stretches over his arms, the dark relic curling along his skin...
“You wanna keep staring, or are we leaving?” His voice is laced with amusement.
I should be embarrassed, but I’m not. Everyone stares at his arms, right?
“Is there an option for both?” I muse, still very much admiring his muscles.
He chuckles, extending his arm. I sigh, shut the book neatly, and stand—smoothing out my robe before slipping my hand into the crook of his elbow.
The walk through Riorson House is peaceful.
I grew up in Morraine province, never imagining I’d one day walk through halls like these. Tyrrendor’s history, its culture—so much of it was erased, forbidden. But here, it lingers in the smallest details. I see it in the carvings along the walls, the woven tapestries, the symbols etched into stone.
We step outside into the open field, where the grass is still a brilliant green, flowers blooming vibrantly under the golden evening light. Butterflies drift lazily through the air, undisturbed by the world beyond this quiet pocket of peace.
We settle on the grass, and Garrick pulls a few food containers from his bag—fresh fruits, vegetables, pastries, and, to my delight, chocolate cookies. This is becoming our routine. Sitting together, eating in comfortable silence. He sharpens his daggers; I read. Occasionally, I let myself ramble about a book I’m excited about.
Speaking of which—
I dig into my bag and pull out a book with a soft pink cover, the illustration of a fox and an archer adorning the front.
“I found this while reshelving,” I say, handing it to him before popping a strawberry into my mouth.
Garrick’s fingers skim over the cover. “What’s it about?”
“It’s a fairytale. A girl who was turned into a fox. Her lover is cursed to hunt her down, but they find a way to break the curse.”
His gaze flickers back to mine. “How does it end?”
I shrug, smiling. “I haven’t finished it yet.”
Garrick sets the book aside and leans in, his breath warm against my lips. His hand slides to the back of my neck, fingers tangling gently in my hair.
“It’s been too long since I’ve had you,” he murmurs.
My breath catches. “I know,” I whisper.
His lips brush against mine, soft and teasing at first. It never stays that way.
His hands find my hips, pulling me into his lap with practiced ease. I shift slightly, tugging my hood back up to shield us from wandering eyes. He huffs a laugh, but it doesn’t deter him.
“I read the tagged parts in your romance novels,” he murmurs.
I stiffen. My heart skips a beat. “You did?” I barely breathe out.
He grins—a knowing, wicked grin. “Mmh. Perhaps we should recreate some of those scenes?”
Heat floods my face.
“We definitely should if it makes you blush like that,” he teases.
I don’t reply, just meet his gaze, my silence all the answer he needs.
His grin widens, his grip on me tightening just slightly.
Something tells me it’s going to be a very long night.
#garrick tavis x reader#garrick tavis#fourth wing#iron flame#onyx storm#the empyrean#xaden riorson#bodhi durran#xaden x reader#xaden riorson x reader
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Save a Dragon, Ride a Wingleader 🔥🥵
#iykyk#save a dragon ride a wingleader#shall i get the wingleader#romantasy#basgiath war college#dragons#fourth wing#fourth wing tairn#fourth wing xaden#iron flame#onyx storm#xaden and sgaeyl#xadenviolet#violet and xaden#xaden riorson#violet and tairn#violet sorrengail#rebecca yarros#bodhi durran#brennan sorrengail#dain aetos#rhiannon matthias#ridoc gamlyn#jesinia neilwart#sawyer henrick#mira sorrengail#dragon riders#professor riorson#i ship them#they are endgame
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And after two books breaking him in a little, he has enough upright values and respect for the chain of command BUT now knows when and where compassion, sympathy, critical thinking and “if I see bullshit I will call it bullshit” has a place.
And after Rebecca kinda left him out to dry and feeling somewhat useless given Aaric coming through with his casually superior linguistic skills, Dain has gotta come through in some capacity.
Violet is constantly quietly raving about how “oh yeah Dain is actually a highly capable rider, combatant and leader”
And the “I don’t coddle first years anymore” has to have deeper consequences and impact than laying out a beautiful future relationship he will have with Sloane.
Yall Dain is a rider, with the training of a scribe and personality of an infantry. If you don’t think he is the future general of Basgiath you are lying to yourself
#dain aetos#fourth wing#onyx storm#dain x sloane#sloane mairi#iron flame#violet sorrengail#xaden riorson#bodhi durran#garrick tavis#onyx Storm spoilers#spoilers
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Headcanon: Aye, General Grievance
TLDR; Things they do that are annoying, until they aren’t.
• Ridoc (at least, when you meet him) needs to learn how to shut the fuck up. Not because he talks too much (his voice is actually very rich and soothing), but because he’s the type of guy to jump in a conversation when you take a half-second to breathe. He also loves to finish peoples’ sentences — which eventually becomes endearing, but you can’t stand it when he thinks he knows what’s going to come out of your mouth…Until he does, anyway. After that, it makes him feel very sly and you, very shy.
• Sawyer has a habit of drumming his fingers on any surface when he gets nervous or is trying to think. At first, you can’t help but ache with sympathy for the poor guy, but it gets old very fast. You’re trying to work on your homework when you hear a dull tapping noise resound from the other side of the room, which means that Sawyer is here and probably working on the same thing as you. You decide to ask why he does that so much, and he just sheepishly holds up his hand, his fingernails bitten short and bloody.
“It’s either that or this.”
• Aaric corrects people’s grammar all the time. It’s helpful for when you write essays and stuff — he had such high quality education compared to everyone else, so of course he knows the difference between there, their, and they’re. However, he also tends to do it out loud, too. If you’re from somewhere with a variety of local slang, he’ll just stare at you for a moment before going, “You mean [insert technically correct term here]?” You have to teach him your dialect and its quirks so that he doesn’t keep trying to one up you. Eventually you catch him slipping up, and he just shoots an unimpressed look your way. You take it as a win.
• Dain, bless his heart, was at one point (and kind of still is) that kid who was like, “Ma’am? You forgot to collect the homework.” He can’t help it; he likes to be helpful, and if he helps the teacher remember, then he knows that they’ll approve of him more. He also says that if he were the teacher, he’d be really grateful for the reminder because, fun fact, he can be kind of forgetful sometimes. It’s like his own little personal training so that he can train his memory and get good attention from adults, because Amari knows he’s not getting it from either of his parents.
• Bodhi has a tendency to be a little clingy. He can’t really help it; the boy just loves to be with and around people. He can’t stand to be alone. He doesn’t have separation anxiety, per se, but being completely alone for more than thirty minutes at a time can put him on edge. He loves to touch, loves to hang around, loves to follow. Why do you think he’s always trailing behind his older cousin? It’s what he’s been doing since they were kids. Now that Bodhi’s entire family, sans Xaden, is gone, he has to be with people or else he’ll feel lonely and get in his own head about it. You find it to be really odd at first, but once you figure out the deeper meaning, you let him drape himself over you for as long as he needs.
• Garrick never lets himself be looked at in the infirmary. He’s so damn stubborn, it drives everyone insane. The only reason he’ll give anyone is that it’s more important that the other, more severe injuries be looked at first…even if he has a broken arm or a deep laceration in his side. You can’t drag him there (the man is just too solid), and he doesn’t give in to pleading, either. The only way you could ever convince him to come get his injuries looked at is if every single other person in the room has gotten looked at first, and even then, he’s very reluctant. Finally, after what feels like hours of questioning, he quietly admits that he hates having to be touched by healers, because it makes the rebellion relic burn like a stretched wound.
• Liam, despite being the resident Golden Boy, is just a man at the end of the day. He leaves a trail of wood shavings wherever he goes. You would think he’d clean up after himself, but you just find them everywhere — in the hallways, in the grand hall, all around his room, all around your room…It drives you insane. Like, yeah; the quality of his wood carvings is amazing, but does it really make up for the fact that there’s always a faint trace of sawdust and shavings everywhere around Basgiath? You finally realize he’s doing it on purpose when you complain about it and he just shoots you a small smile.
“Sorry. I’m just making sure you can find me.”
• Brennan, whenever he’s writing with a normal fountain pen and needs to stop to think, always traces the nib on the edge of the ink pot he’s using. It makes this little scraping noise that gives you chills, like when people run their nails down a piece of paper. You feel bad for getting pissed off about it, but does he really need to be doing all that? It’s constant, too — there are times where he’ll take ten minutes just to make little rings around the edge of the pot while he just stares into space. Eventually you confess that it makes you really uncomfortable, and he just smiles wistfully.
“It’s a Scribe thing. I get it from my dad.”
#the empyrean#fourth wing#iron flame#onyx storm#fourth wing imagines#sawyer henrick#dain aetos#garrick tavis#liam mairi#aaric graycastle#bodhi durran#brennan sorrengail#ridoc gamlyn#fourth wing headcanons#fourth wing fanfic#rebecca yarros
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ngl i feel for dain and nobody can change my mind.
that man had to watch a girl he clearly adored...friendzone the fuck out of him for the person she was told was gonna kill her.
he better than me.
id hold a grudge fr
#fourth wing#iron flame#onyx storm#the empyrean#violet sorrengail#xaden riorson#bodhi durran#dain aetos#liam mairi#ridoc gamlyn
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Rip Xaden, you would have loved Shinedown and MCR
Rip Violet, you would have loved Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift
Rip Sawyer, you would have loved Rick Montgomery and Ed Sheeran
Rip Rhiannon, you would have loved Doja Cat and Halsey
Rip Imogen, you would have loved Evanescence and Amy Winehouse
Rip Ridoc, you would have loved Twenty one pilots and Kendrick Lamar
Rip Sloane, you would have loved Sabrina Carpenter and Lana Del Rey
Rip Aaric, you would have loved Benson Boone Dean Lewis
Rip Bodhi, you would have loved Hozier and NF
Rip Garrick, you would have loved Coldplay and The Offspring
Rip Dain, you would have loved Arctic Monkeys and Alec Benjamin
Rip Liam, you would have loved Avicii and Onerepublic
Rip Andarna, you would have loved Paramore and Katy Perry
Rip Sgaeyl, you would have loved Sia and Fleurie
Rip Tairn, you would have loved Metallica and Imagine Dragons
#fourth wing#onyx storm#iron flame#violet sorengail#xaden riorson#liam mairi#ridoc gamlyn#garrick tavis#tairneanach#Sgaeyl#andarna#imogen cardulo#rhiannon matthias#dain aetos#sloane mairi#aaric graycastle#sawyer henrick#bodhi durran
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The Empyrean as shitposts (OS edition)
Aaric Graycastle

Violet Sorrengail

Bodhi Durran

Mira Sorrengail

Xaden Riorson

Sloane Mairi

Ridoc Gamlyn

Dain Aetos

Garrick Tavis

#fourth wing#the empyrean#violet sorrengail#onyx storm#xaden riorson#onyx storm spoiler#onyx storm spoilers#aaric graycastle#bodhi durran#mira sorrengail#sloane mairi#ridoc gamlyn#dain aetos#garrick tavis
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Xaden: “Okay everyone, safety briefing for this weekend.”
Xaden *to Ridoc and Bodhi*: “Do not add to the population.”
Xaden *to Imogen*: “Do not subtract from the population.”
Xaden *to Rhiannon, Sawyer, and Garrick in order*: “Do not end up in the newspaper, the hospital, or in jail.”
Xaden *to Violet*: “If you do end up in jail, establish dominance quickly.”
#incorrect quotes#incorrect fourth wing quotes#xaden riorson#bodhi durran#ridoc gamlyn#imogen cardulo#rhiannon matthias#sawyer fourth wing#garrick tavis#violet sorrengail#violet x xaden#violet and xaden#he’s doing his best#the standard used to be higher but we all know shit has devolved by now#that they put him in a leadership position is never going to be un-funny#took the charismatic son of a ‘traitor’ known to be a charismatic speaker and thought it’d be fine#Basgiath put him in charge of 1/4 their incoming force and no one thought that was going to be a problem#they told him he had to safety brief and this was the best he could do
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We know when Xaden and Violet have children, they’re going to name their first son Liam. It’s a no-brainer.
But so will Sloane. And Garrick. And Imogen. And Bodhi. And Ridoc. And Rhiannon. And almost the entire squad.
All of them meet up for a small catch-up and bring along their children? One of the kids gets in trouble and someone screams “Liam, be careful!” Almost all the kids turn around, thinking they’re talking to them.
Liam becomes the most used name in Tyrrendor. There’s an entire generation of kids called Liam after the rebellion. Liam becomes The Name™. Everyone is Liam.
#fourth wing#iron flame#onyx storm#the empyrean#violet sorrengail#xaden riorson#liam mairi#sloane mairi#Imogen Cardulo#rhiannon matthias#ridoc gamlyn#bodhi durran#garrick tavis#riorgail#the empyrean series
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Hiya! If like to order a Ridoc, Bodhi, and Liam, with a side of 10 and if it is in-stock, a 73? Cheers friend!

Good Things Come in Groups of Three
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Pairing(s): Liam x Bodhi x Ridoc x reader
Warnings: mdni, 18+, heavy smut, p in v, oral, threesome… this is quite graphic lol
Summary: After a long day with your trainer, the last thing you need is his friend mouthing off to you -- especially when it's a topic he has no business "educating" you about. Ready to rinse off the day and finally catch a few hours of sleep, you're not expecting company; but, you come to realize maybe it's not all that unwelcome.
SR’s Note: So... this is my first time? Writing? Smut involving more than just two consenting parties? So like... please don't tear me to shreds. <3 I really, really tried, and I apologize for the wait time, I have so many WIPs and I wanted to do my best on this for you; I appreciate your patience! This uses prompts #10 and #73 from my Prompt Request Masterlist. Enjoy (:
Tags: @mellowmusings @rcarbo1 @lilah-asteria @kitsunetori @velarisdusk (inbox me or comment if you'd like to be added!)
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"Come on Y/L/N -- harder!"
Sweat runs down the back of your neck as you draw back, raising your gloved fists in defense for what felt like the hudredth time that evening. Bodhi stood before you, his left brow raised tauntingly as he motioned for you to move with a curl of his fingers.
"Do it again, but do it harder this time," he instructs, repeating the forward motion with his fingers. You huff in frustration, awareness creeping in of how late it had gotten. The moon was now hanging above the clouds, barely anyone was left in the gym... and you had Bodhi, your trainer, keeping you here late.
You lunged forward, throwing your weight into him. He stumbled, back, but you weren't strong enough to knock him off of his feet. You thrust your clenched fist out, aiming to at least leave him doubled over -- again, you were too slow. He caught your wrist, twisting your arm behind your back and shoving you to the ground. Your hipbone connected roughly with the mat, surely to leave a bruise; but that paled in comparison to your strangled breaths as the wind was completely knocked from your lungs.
"B...Bod...hi.." You writhed beneath him as he pinned you, his form pressed completely atop you to keep you from rising. A pleading cough was all you could get out before his warm breath ticked against the shell of your ear.
"Tapping out?" He rasped, the rough patches on his worn leather gloves rubbing your wrists raw. You nodded frantically, and he sighed, smacking the mat before releasing you. The air was a welcome relief as it flodded your lungs, each breath drawn in greedily as you rolled onto your back against the mat.
Bodhi leaned back on his heels, the slight shake of his head sending a soft ruffle through his dampened curls. He peered down at you with a disappointed look.
"Y/N, you know when you tap out during the real thing-"
"Bodhi, you were practically fuckin' killing me on that last one!" You squeaked, your head resting pathetically against the worn training mat. He tsks at you, cracking his knuckles and continuing to stare.
"You need to know how to hold your own. Especially against guys," he elaborates. You roll your eyes, but he continues. "Guys don't give a shit if you're small, or you're a girl, or you physically can't take them." He gives you a pointed look, and before he can say more, you hear the even more irritating sound of your fellow squadmate approaching.
"Hah, yeah, in fact," Ridoc chuckles, bending at the waist to peer over you. "Some twisted fucks try to get paired with girls on purpose, just because they know it's a different type of fight, and it's one they could win." He looks pitifully at you, the waves in his black hair falling over his forehead. You scoff, pushing onto your elbows and wincing at the pain blooming near your hip.
"You're annoying," you throw a pointed glance at your fellow first year, your eyes sliding to the trainer you were assigned by your absolutely-wonderful-and-charming wingleader next. "And so are you; running me into the ground, working me harder than anyone else here," you gesture around the gym, and laugh sarcastically as you notice it has emptied out.
"Oh! Wait. There is no one else here." You frown, and Bodhi only glowers at you.
"You'll be thanking me when it comes time for challenges and you can actually take down your opponents." He says nonchalantly, and you shake your head in disbelief.
Ridoc opens his mouth again from your right. "It's probably for the best anyway-"
"Ugh, Gods Ridoc, do you ever SHUT UP?" Your anger bubbles over, and he immediately stops talking. "I'm so tired, I'm worn out, I've been here all night sweating my ass off with him," you jerk your thumb toward his annoying upper-classman friend. "Now, I have to listen to you run your mouth, too?" You sigh frustratedly, glaring at the moon through the open window.
You push to your feet then, sending one final angry look at the two friends.
"All on a fucking school night, too!"
You turn on your heel, making way for the locker rooms. You cross your arms, feeling the smallest victory won as you approach the locker room door.
It's short lived when you hear their mocking laughter from the training room behind you.
You slam the door shut, grumbling and growling as you stomp by the grayed-out stalls. What the hell is their deal, anyway? Surely you could handle your own. Not every guy here is looking for a girl to go after, anyhow.
Approaching the mirrors, you sigh heavily, bracing your hands against the cool ceramic of the sink.
So what if you were paired with a man. You would be able to hold your own -- they were just afraid of looking weak. That had to be it.
You stared at your reflection for a moment, taking in the bags under your eyes from the lack of sleep. Your ponytail was nearly undone, so many hairs had fallen in the hours you'd been forced to train here.
Screw Bodhi for making you stay so late. You shook your head, thinking about him pinning you to the mat. He didn't care how tired you were -- he did it anyway. And Ridoc, he never knew when to stop running those full lips of his...
Screw them both, honestly.
You were pulled from your thoughts as the sound of a locker closing rang out, causing you to jump. Your heartbeat quickened; surely, no one else would be in here. The gym was empty when you walked out.
"Hello?" You called. Your feet felt frozen in place, your mind swimming with all of the possibilities. After a few moments of silence, you shrugged it off. It was late; perhaps with the lack of sleep, you were simply imagining things.
Of the four shower stalls available, you weighed your options before stepping into the one in the corner. Two were missing a shower curtain, and the other had a sign that read "Out of Order" in front of it. Not to mention the lack of a lightbulb in there; you went with the fully funtional option.
You peeled your clothes off, discarding them at the bench near the sinks before stepping in. You had just closed the curtain quietly, the room so eerily quiet when your mind began to wander. You could have sworn the locker rooms had six showers -- not four.
Again, you rolled your shoulders, chalking it up to be pure exhaustion that had you thinking these rediculous things. With a soft sigh, you reached for the shower handle.
✧・゚: *
It seemed as though fifty things happened at once.
You had just let your eyes drift shut, your hand bracing the cool steel of the shower faucet as you awaited the feeling of the warm water to rain down on you.
In that same second, the curtain was abruptly shoved open, and you heard (definitely heard, not imagined) a male voice, asking, "Uhhh, what are you doing in here?"
Also, in that same second, you screamed. At the top of your lungs. Wide-eyed, shrill, screaming. Because why the fuck, was Liam Mairi, of all people, staring back at you, naked in the girl's locker room?
While he was also... naked... in the girl's locker room?
"Liam!" You screetched, reaching for the shower curtain in the same second he did. You pulled it toward yourself in an attempt to conceal what had already been exposed, but it seemed he had the same idea. It was as though tug-of-war was happening with the damned curtain, and in the end, his barely covered dick was pressed against your barely covered vagina. You braced a forearm across your chest in an attempt to hide your top half.
"Y/N, what the Hell-" he began, his cheeks reddening as he looked anywhere other than in your direction.
"Ohhh no," you roared. "What the fuck," you puncuated. "Are you doing. In the girls. Locker room!" You demanded. He let out a sarcastic laugh, his eyes drifting from the ceiling finally to meet yours.
"Are... are you serious right now?" He asked. Your eyebrows rose so high on your forehead, you thought they'd recede right into your hairline.
"Yes? It's, what, nearly midnight?" You seethe. He chuckles, his seaglass eyes roving across your face. You narrow your brows at him.
"It is midnight now, yes," he confirms. "I just got back from riding with Deigh, and since the shower in my dorm is taken..." he explains, his piercing gaze trailing over your mouth and drifting lower. "...I opted to use the ones down here. In the boys, locker room, I might add." He smirks, his pupils widening as he unashamedly takes in the cleavage you still have pressed against him.
Your cheeks burn, the embarassment of the entire situation, and now you've only gotten in worse with this compromising position you're in-
"H-hey," you say, your breaths quickening as you realize he is still quite literally oogling you. His gaze flicks up, the cool blue of his irises now darkened with lust as he's gone completely quiet. "My eyes are up here."
He chuckles, his bottom lip pulling between his teeth as his hand gently reaches around the curtain, the pads of his fingertips connecting with the curve of your exposed waist. You suck in a sharp breath, the steam from the shower providing no warmth under his icy gaze.
Sure, you could admit you had thought about your handsome squadmate in... rather unsavory positions before. Would you ever act on those? Probably not. You were only ever cordial before this, anyway -- but the way he was practically devouring you with his eyes right now had you feeling the need to rub your thighs together.
"You think she's still in here?"
Whatever trance Liam had you in was severed the moment you heard that taunting voice, your eyes widening with the realization.
"Probably, she never came back out."
You grabbed Liam by the shoulder, tugging him into the running water with you -- curtain be damned. You slid it shut, concealing yourself from the approaching males. Turning to face him, you see his face etched in concern. You pull him close to whisper.
"I think Ridoc and Bodhi are in here," you explain, and Liam's lips press into a line. You brace your hands on your hips, anxious now that they'll come looking for you, watching as you went right into the wrong locker room.
You turn your back to Liam, your flushed cheeks indication that you are aware the both of you are still fully nude together... only now, you're in the shower together. No barriers, no curtains between you two.
He steps toward you, his fingers cupping under the curve of your ass as he pulls you back to him. You hiss quietly, turning your neck to look up at him. He's already leaning over to say something, his lips trailing along the column of your neck.
"They can... still see your feet, you know."
You look down. You hadn't even considered the few inches between curtain and floor -- they'd surely know it was you. Not many other males in the Riders quadrant had pink toenails with flowers painted on them.
Liam's hands snake around your hips, pulling you flush against him. You can instantly feel his length pressed against your ass, and as his fingers continue to trail across your dewy skin, he twitches against you.
"Fuck..." he groans, low and gutteral against your throat before placing a wet kiss against your skin. You can hear Bodhi and Ridoc poking around, their voices becoming ever so closer.
"L-Liam... please," you pant, his hands travelling up to cup your breasts in his palms. He pinches your nipples hard between his fingers, causing you to bite down on your bottom lip to stifle your cry.
"Liam, please, you have to h-help me," you plead, and he chuckles lowly in your ear. You hadn't realized that you had begun moving your ass against him, his cock now pressed more firmly against your bum.
"Oh, I'll help you," he offers, his hands grabbing your hips and turning you around to face him. His lips merely ghost over yours as he speaks, staring directly down into your wide eyes.
"But you're gonna help me too." His hands slide underneath your butt, gripping the flesh as he lifts you off of your feet. He pulls you against his chest and you wrap your legs around his waist, the feel of his erection strong against your throbbing core. He backs you up until you're pressed against the stone wall, one of his hands moving underneath you as his eyes bore into yours.
"There -- now no one can see you." He grins, and you suck your bottom lip between your teeth. The muscles of his shoulders flex, and you watch as his hand moves in time beneath you; realizing he is stroking himself below your entrance. The epiphany sends another wave of heat through you, and he leans in close as his tip prods at your entrance.
"Now, be a good girl for me and keep quiet?" He smirks, and you all but nod before he slowly pushes himself inside of you, each inch stretching your aching pussy deliciously.
"Mmmm," You squeeze your eyes shut, trying your best to stifle your moans as he sheaths himself inside of you to the hilt, only pulling out a few inches before roughly shoving back in.
Your eyes fly open, your mouth wide as you stare up at him. He simply smirks at you, one hand palming your ass and the other bracing against the stone wall. He continues fucking himself into you, slowly at first, drinking in every quiet whimper you let out for him.
"So tight," he rasps, his gaze focusing on your breasts pressed against him once more. You fight to keep any noises at bay, worried that Gods forbid another person pulls back the shower curtain-
"Ohhhh! Looks like Y/N came in here on purpose, huh!" Ridoc's taunting voice bellows, a blast of cool air flooding the warm shower as he yanks open the shower curtain. Your nipples harden at the sudden temperature change, only seeming to turn Liam on more. Ridoc chuckles at the scene before him, and you watch as your trainer approaches from behind.
"It's... it's not what it looks...like-"
"Oh, I think it's exactly. What it looks like." Bodhi cocks an eyebrow, glancing to Liam who has not let up on his relentless deepstroking. "Is this exactly what it looks like?"
Liam smirks, glancing between you and the two males watching the scene before them. "Oh, it is exactly what it looks like."
You gasp, looking up at him in disbelief. "Liam! What-"
"I've heard enough." Bodhi says, raising a hand in silence. He only sighs, his eyes raking over your naked form before him. Your cheeks heat as Liam adjusts his angle, his hand gripping the back of one of your knees as he drives into you harder. You can't help the moan the escapes; the sheer force at which he's fucking you is enough to make anyone wet at the sight of it.
"Thought she deserved something -- been a pretty good girl for me, anyway," Liam praises, and Ridoc rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, well she was bein' a fuckin' brat during training today-"
You glare from your place on the wall, watching as his devilishly handsome lips tilted up in a smirk.
"Ridoc... I said... shut... up..." you pant. Bodhi leans against the stone wall, chewing on the inside of his lower lip as he watches your breasts bounce with every thrust Liam gives you. "Ah... oh.. fuck, Liam I'm-"
Liam groans against the hollow of your throat, his cock twitching inside of you before shooting thick ropes of cum deep into your pussy. The tether inside of you snaps, your warm release trickling out of you and running over the curves of your thighs. You're panting, still coming down from your high when Ridoc opens his mouth again.
"Why don't you shut me up then?" He says, his voice thick as he pushes his sweat shorts over his muscled thighs. Liam places you gently back on the ground, the aftershocks of your first orgasm finally wearing off as you saunter toward Ridoc. You shove the shower curtain aside; clearly, there was no concern for getting clean anytime soon.
Approaching the bench where your clothes lay, you push against his shoulders, watching as he yields to your touch. He lies flat on his back near the edge of the bench, his toned legs tapering off the end to where his feet plant flat on the floor.
He grins cheekily up at you, his eager hands guiding your waist as you swing your leg over his chest. He grips at your thighs, squeezing your skin as you position your leaking heat just above his awaiting mouth.
"This will do," You say, looking down at him and smirking. He groans, fingers pulling you to sit all the way down on his tongue. Immediately he gets to work, his lips exploring each and every inch of your throbbing core while his hands grip your ass, perched lightly on top of his chest.
"Ohhh... fuck," you moan, your fingers threading through his onyx locks as you begin to lightly rock your hips against his expert tongue. He licks up into you, illiciting more whines of pleasure from you as your fingers tug on his locks. He growls into your cunt, the sound sending another wave of pleasure through you that has one hand leaving his hair and playing with your nipple instead, imagining how good his mouth would feel there if this was any indication.
"Ridoc, yes, yes..." You chant, your eyes drifting toward the abandoned shower you had retreated from before. No longer is Bodhi leaned against the wall -- the space is empty, save for a few articles of clothing on the ground.
You let out a sharp gasp as your hair is suddenly yanked, forcing your chin up as dark brown eyes stare lustfully down at you. From the corner of your eye, you watch as a blonde head strides over, sitting on the bench a couple of feet away and leaning against the row of lockers.
"You don't seem so eager to get to bed now that your cunt's being eaten," Bodhi snarls, his gaze trazing over your face contorted in pleasure. You can't think of a witty a response, no comeback in mind -- especially as Ridoc moves below you, his nose prodding against your clit. You let out a breathhy gasp, your mouth hanging open and Bodhi only shakes his head at you.
"Mouth looks a little empty," he grits out, gripping your chin harshy before releasing you. He strides before you, his fingers tugging on his length before sitting in front of you on the bench. Your mouth practically waters at the sight; he's huge. He sees it too, as he scoffs at you.
"You wanna mouth off all night -- bend over and take it all then," he challenges. Ridoc's hand moves to grip his own length, moving in quick thrusts as you bend before him, lowering on your hands until his glistening tip is positioned just before your lips.
"Said you could handle a man yourself... handle me then," he looks at you darkly, and you glare at him, shoving his entire length down your throat in one thrust. You gag around him, his intimidating size measuring up. When you draw your head back, his hand threads through the mess of a ponytail you have left, roughly gripping the back of your head and forcing your mouth all the way back down on his cock.
"Fuck... so pretty, taking my dick all the way down that little throat," he groans. Tears prick the corners of your eyes, the combined sensation with Ridoc's punishing tongue nearly pushing you over the edge almost too much. When Bodhi releases you again, you stick out your tongue, and he taps his length against it.
"Fucking hot," he mutters, watching you through half-lidded eyes. You dare a glance to your right, catching sight of Liam relaxed on the nearly bench, fisting his own cock at the sight of you getting both males off at once. His head is rolled back in pleasure, his eyes closed as he drags his fingers up, and down, and up...
You don't have time to warn Ridoc before your orgasm rolls through you, your thighs shaking beside his head. You glance up, surprised to see Bodhi panting heavily as you continue sucking him at a slow, punishing pace.
"Fuck... oh fuck-"
He plunges his cock deep, shooting his cum down your throat. You gag, the size stretching your throat around him as he whimpers before you with each twitch of his cock. You focus on swallowing every last drop; though a small part of you cheers in silent victory that you have Bodhi Durran whimpering for you.
✧・゚: *
You're spent. You're absolutely spent; surely, you'd been in here hours now, the three males delighting in pulling orgasm after orgasm from you, and you doing the same for them.
Nonetheless, you still find yourself happily sitting atop Ridoc's lap, bouncing on his thick length in the early hours of the morning.
"Fuck, Y/N... just like that, bounce that ass on my dick, just like that," his arms are wrapped around your waist, holding you against him as you ride him, milking every last drop out of his delicious length. It was the only time, you'd admit, you liked hearing the sound of his voice.
"Tongue," Liam commands, and you open your mouth wide, letting your tongue fall out per his request. He grins, giving your head a little pat before tapping it with his silky-smooth dick.
"Good girl," he praises, slipping into your awaititng mouth with ease. Your eyes roll back, his tip hitting the back of your throat as Ridoc's thrusts were now brushing your cervix. Your hands gripped his shoulders, and he delighted in the way your strangled groans sounded right next to his ear.
It was the sharp slap on your right butt cheek that had your walls fluttering around Ridoc though, Bodhi's fingers lightly tugging on your hair again in silent control.
"You like being fucked, is that it, hm?" He asked, landing another slap against your skin. You cried out, Liam pulling his cock from you for only a moment to hear your pleasure-filled screams.
Another slap -- this time, you felt yourself on the edge.
"Fuck!" You sobbed, your fucked out expression staring at Liam with your rounded eyes. He sucked in a breath, his hand working his cock as he slipped his thumb into your mouth.
"Taking it so well..." he mumbled, his eyes closing only for a moment before sticky spurts of cum covered you, painting your chin and neck with the evidence. He sighed in pleasure, Ridoc slowing his relentless pounding before he pulled his dick from you, his cum shooting across your boobs and painting your skin in his seed.
"Fuck... I'm so close," Bodhi groaned, his hands hauling you off of his friend and bending you over the sink. Before you had a moment to adjust, he filled you with his length, his hips snapping against your ass harshly. His fingers gripped your throat, tilting your chin to gaze at yourself in the mirror. Your mouth dropped open, watching the attractive male behind you fuck himself into you mercilessly.
"This perfect fucking cunt," he grunted, his chocolate curls swaying with each thrust. "Watch how good you take it, baby," he ground out, his eyes meeting yours in the mirror. Your stomach tightened, your eyes rolling back as his dick rubbed against your sensitive spot.
"Bodhi... Bodhi, please, I'm cumming-" You squeaked, and with a few sharp thrusts, he came inside you, pulling out to watch hungrily as the white liquid dripped out of your raw cunt. You gripped the sink's edge, panting as the weight of the evening's activities took hold of you. Glancing to the shower, you sighed, chuckling at the thought.
"You still have time, if you want to actually clean up before class," Ridoc chuckles, pulling his shorts on from behind you. Liam yawns, stretching his arms wide as he glances at you through the mirror. Bodhi grabs your clothes, extending them to you. You take them with a shaky hand, chuckling softly and shaking your head. You could barely believe the direction the night had gone.
"Yeah... I think I may just skip class today."
✧・゚: *
#iron flame imagine#iron flame#fourth wing imagine#fourth wing x reader#fourth wing smut#fourth wing#bodhi durran#bodhi x liam#bodhi fourth wing#liam mairi smut#liam mairi imagine#liam mairi x you#liam mairi x reader#liam mairi#ridoc smut#ridoc x reader#ridoc fourth wing#ridoc gamlyn#bodhi x ridoc#read more#onyx storm
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Okay, I’ve already seen some people claiming that Dain can’t be the general of Basgiath because the squad doesn’t listen to him and he isn’t respected. Do you all realize that his journey to becoming trusted and respected is exactly what his character arc is about?
People didn’t trust him in *Iron Flame* because of what happened to Liam, but by the end of the book, he made crucial choices that literally led to their victory in battle. By the end of *Onyx Storm*, Ridoc had warmed up to Dain. When Dain said they should fight instead of hiding like cowards, Bodhi stood behind him. Imogen literally saved Dain’s life, and Sloane trusted him with her signet. Even Violet called him a leader.
And obviously, the rest of the squads respect him—he’s quite literally the general’s son. he wouldn’t have become a wingleader in the 1st place if he wasn’t respected
#dain aetos#dain x sloane#fourth wing#onyx storm#sloane mairi#iron flame#violet sorrengail#xaden riorson#bodhi durran
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Rhiannon: Don't you just hate men sometimes? They can be so useless! Imogen: Right? They're terrible! Jesinia: *signs* 100% Violet: Definitely. Xaden, Garrick, Bodhi, Ridoc, Sawyer, and Dain: Liam: Violet: Not you Liam, you're perfect! The other girls: Honestly, he is! The boys: Wh-
#fourth wing#rebecca yarros#iron flame#violet sorrengail#xaden riorson#the empyrean#fourth wing incorrect quotes#incorrect fourth wing#incorrect fourth wing quotes#riorgail#rhiannon matthias#imogen cardulo#jesinia neilwart#garrick tavis#bodhi durran#ridoc gamlyn#sawyer henrick#dain aetos#liam mairi#liam best boy#he can do no wrong
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Imagining drunk Violet sneaking up behind Xaden and wrapping her arms around his waist, mumbling about how she’s going to ride him like a dragon later
Only for it to be Bodhi that she grabbed. He’s slowly trying to scooch away while Xaden glares and tells himself once again that it’d be a shame to kill his cousin
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First half of Iron Flame summarised:
Violet: Xaden isn’t in love with me.
Rhiannon: Yes he is.
Imogen: Yes he is.
Bodhi: Yes he is.
Ridoc: Yes he is.
Tairn: Yes he is.
Xaden: YES I AM.
#fourth wing#the empyrean#iron flame#violet sorrengail#xaden riorson#the empyrean incorrect quotes#rebecca yarros#imogen cardulo#ridoc gamlyn#bodhi durran#rhiannon matthias#tairneanach
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You are definitely not alone.
idk chat i feel like the only person whose favorite character is Bodhi.
he's underrated.
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